So I will admit that I'm certainly not the same person that I once was 6 month ago before starting this journey. These last few months have taught me something so real; Here're a list of things that have changed the most within me.
- Don't always be so bitchy or standoffish. Be able to show the real you and LIVE YOUR TRUTH as well as your FREAK nature.
- SPEAK THE FUCK UP! Always remember that you have a voice so don't hesitate when saying what you have to say. Stop worrying about what others may think of you when you voice your thoughts/opinions on something. FUCK THEM because they're not living your life or paying your bills.
- Onyx is a welcoming experience to brotherhood and Leather Families. Now, over the last 6 month this process has shown me a sense of brotherhood. My LB (Line Brothers) are very DIFFERENT, funny, and protective of one another. I truly love them all (even though they may get on my nerves at times, LMAO). "Hear the sound. Love the tunes. Embrace the Symphony."
- Most importantly SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! I've realized that the term means "Stop and think for just a minute. Think about the decision or action you're about to make and how it may affect those around you." .
My journey is far from over, if anything it has only just begun.
So, cheers to being a Freak! as well as a Leather Man.
So, cheers to being a Freak! as well as a Leather Man.