This past month, we honored our Daddy by capping him (this is a term used to label the action of a muir cap being placed on a man in recognition of is place in a leather family and the leather community at large). It was and always shall be, a heart warming moment. I will admit I cried for 5 seconds or so. I would like to thank ICON for allowing us to do this on their night and for providing the birthday cake. Thank you Jeffrey Hart for communicating with me for weeks to plan this night. To Onyx GL, thank you for being there not just as brothers but also as family. To Uncle Legionnaire and John Carlsen for the amazing road trip, conversation, and brotherhood. To Cheshire Capriccio and Voudou Onyx thank you both for the stories of Daddy Jay and the laughter. To Puma, thank you babe for the love that you provide, your smile, and for being the glue that keeps this family as one unit... Special thank to everyone who submitted a video for Daddy birthday!Now, on to Daddy Jay. For those who don't know, when I met Daddy it was the winter of 2017. Truth be told, when Daddy introduce himself to me I was a total Bitch to him.... He'll tell you, "this boy almost bit my head off". But, fast forward a couple of years and now this man is my Daddy (yes with his head still intact lol). He has shown me many things including the multiple ways that a Leather Man should conduct himself. Being a part of your nite and having all those present to witness your capping, was like something out of a movie. With so much love and happiness it made it a night that I will truly will not forget. #Hereforus #Ohana #RepresentationMatters #WeAreOnyx"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."