Friday, November 1, 2019

Freak Living With Mental Illness

Hi Freak,

Over the last few monthsI have been through a difficult time. I was recently diagnosed with I'm Bipolar (WTH really). At 1st I was in disbelief because I felt damn I'm black, wear glasses, hearing impaired, talk with a lisp, and now I'm bipolar! Ugh Fuck Me

I was scared to tell Ohana simply because I thought that they might disown me due to me not being perfect. But after talking to my therapist I work up the courage to starttelling people close around me. 

When I told Uncle, it was on our way to Six Flags. He took a min and thought about it. He simply said,”it makes sense given your action as of late.” Honestlyhe handledit better than I thought and was very supported which made me happy because he reassures me that he will loveme and that we are in this together. 

So when I told Alpha. I was terrified as fuck simply because I felt he wouldn't believe me or didn’t want to in my life anymore. For this, I waited weeks to tell him because I was scared. But he apparently knew already.But was waiting for me to share with him. He stated that ”I have eyes and ears everywhere. So don't think that I don't keep tabs on my Beta, because as your Alpha (BigBrother, Family and friends) to protect you. We're family so please don't forget.”I cried when he said that because I felt that I was alone, but he reassures me that I wasn't. 

I ask him as my Alpha,“can you please tell Daddy?”Because I was scared to tell him. Fuck that I was terrified simply because that's my Daddy and I didn't want to lose him as well nor did I think he would understand.After a couple of days later I received a text from Daddysaying “Babyboy I love you till the end of time. I will never leave you and know that Daddy is here for youalways and forever. 

To be honest I choke up when I saw this, because here Iam thinking that my family would abandon me. But they show me that we’re in this together as Ohana. 

I also gave them multiple resources on how to talk and deal with someone who’s Bipolar. As well as how to helpsomeone during mania or episode. 

We’re all learning about this every day. Because we’reOhana means familyfamily means nobody gets life behind or forgotten. 

Here are some resources if you're not familiar with it.

As well as here are some books from Amazon that can be useful.

"My Mental Health is not an excuse but it's a reason."

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